Windrush Foundation presents Ansel Wong

Feb 2, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Ansel Wong
ADMISSION FREE: Saturday 21st April 2018

Come along and be inspired by the presentation of a leading community advocate who has made a significant contribution to culture in the UK.

During the 1080’s, under Mayor Ken Livingstone, Ansel was Principal Race Relations Advisor in the Ethnic Minorities Unit of the GLC. Also he is the founder of Elimu Mas Band, and was a former Chair of the Notting Hill Carnival Board.

Participate in the Q&A led by Arthur Torrington.



The Yaa Centre
1 Chippenham Mews
London W9 2AN



Saturday 21st April 2018

6pm – 9pm




Register your interest on:  Eventbrite

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